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8 AM Women’s Online Bible Study
Zoom MeetingLadies please join us online for an 8 week study of "David: A Study of Psalms" on Friday mornings at 8am or Monday evenings at 5pm. Contact Barb Braendlein for more information and the zoom link.
9 AM Sunday School
Providence North 19021 120th Ave NE, Bothell, WAWe are going through the Westminster Shorter Catechism. The class will be structured so that old and young, new and veteran to the Reformed Faith, everyone, should get some good stuff out of it. It also will work well for you to come any Sunday and jump right in wherever we are in it. There […]
10:00 AM Worship Service
Providence North 19021 120th Ave NE, Bothell, WAEveryone is welcome in this service of prayer, praise, and worship of God the Father, through his Son Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit.