Service of Prayer and Preaching, March 22, 2020

Join us via livestream at 10AM for our “Service of Prayer and Preaching” where we will invite you to join us over the internet as together we worship our God and King even in the midst of this present distress. A liturgy will be sent to you in an email on Saturday and you can join the livestream at 10 AM HERE.

Along with the order of service you will find pdf’s of the songs we will be singing, details for corporate prayer, and our regular announcements section.

Pastor Hatcher will be returning to his series, “Children of the Conquest”

and preaching on “Celebration and Covenant Loyalty in the Home" 

Deuteronomy 6:20-25

Tech Notes

Please join the Trinity Church Facebook group ahead of Sunday morning and test your video connection via computer, phone, or connected TV.

If you are not currently a member of the Trinity Church Community Facebook Group, you must become one in order to view the livestream.

Click here to request membership to the Facebook group. (Group membership is granted to members and regular attenders at this point.)

For questions about accessing the worship service in Facebook, feel free to contact Stefan Haney [email protected] or 773.398.5344.

For those who are not able to join at 10 or unable to connect to Facebook, our sermon is also syndicated to our church presence on the site after 7pm on Sunday.  You can setup a Faithlife account and access  from your computer, iPhone/android app, or on your TV via your Roku, Firestick, or Apple TV. 

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