Kim Hatcher’s Home
10 AM Young Mom’s Book Study
Kim Hatcher's HomeIf you are a young mom, new mom, or soon to be mom, please join us to read and discuss together Praise Her in the Gates by Nancy Wilson. Questions? Contact Kim Hatcher.
10 AM Young Mom’s Book Study
Kim Hatcher's HomeIf you are a young mom, new mom, or soon to be mom, please join us to read and discuss together Praise Her in the Gates by Nancy Wilson. Questions? Contact Kim Hatcher.
5:30 PM JTSF Heidelfest Prep & Fellowship
Kim Hatcher's HomeHelp husk ears of corn for Heidelfest! "Many hands make light work" and of course there will be fun, food and fellowship too! Pizza dinner provided. RSVP to Leslie Poole.
10 AM Young Mom’s Book Study
Kim Hatcher's HomeIf you are a young mom, new mom, or soon to be mom, please join us to read and discuss together Praise Her in the Gates by Nancy Wilson. Questions? Contact Kim Hatcher.
10 AM Young Mom’s Book Study
Kim Hatcher's HomeIf you are a young mom, new mom, or soon to be mom, please join us to read and discuss together Praise Her in the Gates by Nancy Wilson. Questions? Contact Kim Hatcher.